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"The hills surrounding Healesville have been enveloped in a thick haze of smoke, the drift from bush fires."
Healesville Guardian

Healesville’s Holiday Visitors
Guest houses thronged for busy Christmas
7 January 1939

Favoured by glorious sunny weather, and with many branches of sporting and social entertainment available, it was little wonder that Healesvilles’ holiday visitors enjoyed ‘the time of their lives’ during the Christmas period. The aggregate number of visitors must have constituted a record, as every guest house in the district was completely booked out. Business people, too, report satisfactory trading.

To cater for the visitor’s entertainment was provided for young and old. At night time dancing and socials were the order at almost every guest house, while nightly dances at the Palais drew attendances that exceeded all expectations. In the Memorial Hall pictures were screened to packed houses, and on Boxing Day Queen’s Park was a centre of interest for a large crowd, sporting events and other competitions provided the interest...

The four tennis courts were continuously in use, and even then there was more often than not a long queue waiting. The swimming baths, which had been thoroughly cleaned for the holiday crowd, were even more popular, as it was swimming weather de luxe. The golf courses at Kalymna Park and The Golf House were always occupied, while those anxious to view beauty spots further out more frequently travelled on horseback.

...For a fortnight or more the hills surrounding Healesville have been enveloped in a thick haze of smoke, the drift from bush fires. On Tuesday Healesville firemen dashed out to Toolangi, where it was reported that several houses were endangered.

...This proved to be wrong as only scrub country was alight; still, one house (which was saved) was threatened for a time. When this fire was under control the firemen answered another summons from Castella, and their work was effective again. Fires continue to smoulder...

[HG, 7/1/39]

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