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"Mr Ben Saxton, his wife, and an employee had lost their lives at Tanjil Bren, while three miles away Mr and Mrs Ben Rowley and their three children had perished at their home."
The Narracan Shire Advocate

Fires, Destruction, Tragedy
20 January 1939

In our own district, serious fires swept the country on every side – Erica, Hill End, Tanjil Bren, Two Mile, Moe South, Westbury and Moe West – and the greatest blow was received on Saturday morning, when it became known that Mr Ben Saxton (a member of the well-known firm of Saxton Timber and Trading Pty Ltd, Moe), his wife, and an employee named Michael Gorey had lost their lives at the mill at Tanjil Bren, while three miles away Mr and Mrs Ben Rowley and their three children had perished at their home. On the previous day, William Loosemore was burned to death at Hill End.

...In Moe the temperature was 110°, there was an overpowering hot wind, and as the day advanced the smoke was so dense that electric lights had to be switched on.

...Those who were sufferers in the conflagration at Hill End and Willow Grove were: [28 individuals or families listed, of which the following are a selection]

Mr Alf Webb – Two houses, sheds and haystack. One house was occupied by Mr Lord. Mr Webb and his family took shelter in the maize crop.
Mr C Paul – house and everything on farm.
Mr T Rees – House, dairy and feedsheds, and 30 of the 40 cows in his herd. Mr and Mrs Rees sheltered behind a shed for a time, and then put down a well a ladder and table on which to stand.
Mr M P Williames – Lost everything except a utility truck and some stock, which has been removed to Tanjil South. He and his wife and four-years-old daughter (June), and a Mr Lewis, took refuge in a concrete pig-wallow.
Mr Hains – House, which was occupied by Mr Sharman. Mr and Mrs Hains left their home and sheltered in an old mining tunnel.
Mrs J Dean – Everything – house, barn, pigs etc.
Mr J William – everything except his sedan car, which he drove into the potato paddock. With his wife, he lay under wet bags in furrows scooped out behind the car.

[NSA, 20/1/39]

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