Research Branch Report No. 064

Girth and height growth patterns in mountain ash.  W.D. Incoll and A.W. Webb.  May 1975.  8 pp. (unpubl.)


Patterns of girth and height growth in mountain ash (E. regnans F. Muell.) saplings aged six to ten years were examined. Monthly measurements of girth and height were made on ten trees for a period of four years.

The pattern of girth growth was similar to that of older E. regnans trees, viz .little growth in winter, a large amount of growth during spring and early summer, and a further period of rapid growth in autumn. The patterns of height and girth growth differed in that height growth almost ceased during winter, and there was a less pronounced decline than for girth growth during summer. Maximal height growth occurred two months later than maximal girth growth.

The pattern of girth growth observed was similar to that another tree species, but the month of maximal height growth was later in the year than has been observed for Pinus radiata D. Don. It is suggested that height growth initiation in E. regnans may have a higher temperature threshold than P. radiata.

Also published:

Incoll, W.D. and Webb, A.W. (1975)  Girth and height growth patterns in mountain ash.  For. Comm. Vic., For. Tech. Pap. 23: 15-19.