Research Branch Report No. 094

Use of fertilisers on farm woodlots.  D. W. Flinn.  September 1977.  9 pp. (unpubl.)


This report is based on a paper presented at the Australian Forest Development Institute Forestry Conference in October 1977 to inform farm foresters on the use of fertilisers on farm woodlots. It deals with the diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies in radiata pine and eucalypts, and the methods commonly used in Victoria to correct such deficiencies.

The many techniques used to diagnose nutrient deficiencies or predict fertiliser requirements are usually complementary and involve chemical analysis of soil or plant material, fertiliser trials and visual assessment. For radiata pine, foliar analysis is the most reliable and sensitive technique available since it is a direct method of evaluating the reaction of a tree to site conditions. For planted eucalypts, field trials are the only reliable method available for predicting fertiliser requirements.

Fertiliser type, rate and application method needed to prevent or correct a nutrient deficiency vary with species, tree age and site conditions. In Victoria phosphorus deficiency is widespread in radiata pine plantations and granulated superphosphate has been almost exclusively used to prevent or alleviate the disorder. An approximate application rate of 150 g/tree superphosphate is used throughout the State. Fertiliser response in eucalypts varies considerably between sites. Substantial responses to nitrogen have been obtained on fertile soils, and to phosphorus on soils of lower fertility.

Also published:

Flinn, D.W. (1977)  Use of fertilisers on farm woodlots.  AFDI For. Conf., Traralgon, Vic., 1977, Pap. And Proc Part 1, pp. 110-13.