Research Branch Report No. 107

Effects of vorox AA on regenerating plant species in a Pinus radiata plantation at Myrtleford.  G. Minko.  April 1978.  15 pp. (unpubl.)


The use of Vorox AA to control regenerating plant species in Pinus radiata plantations at Myrtleford was studied to determine the effect on plant diversity and quantity. Vorox AA (contains 40% w/w amitrole and 40% w/w atrazine) was applied at 3.4 kg in 900 l water/ha and 4.4 kg in 112 l water/ha in 0.6 m and 2.4 m wide bands along planting lines of P. radiata.

When applied at either rate Vorox AA reduced the quantity of regenerating vegetation. Success was mainly due to the partial control of Poa spp. during the first year following application. By the second year the diversity of plant species on treated plots varied little from control plots though the mass (ODW) was significantly less, and by the third year ODW differences were also insignificant. There was little difference in effectiveness of control using Vorox AA at 3.4 or 4.4 kg/ha.

In general it appears that Vorox AA, at the application rates tested, in the long term had no effect on plant species balance and similarity though it initially reduced the mass of regenerating vegetation.

Also published:

Minko, G. (1980)  Effects of atrazine/amitrole on regenerating plant species in a Pinus radiata plantation at Myrtleford.  Proc. 7th Asian-Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf., Sydney, 1979, pp. 125-7.