The bigger picture on European forestry in Victoria
A Chronology of Forest Use and Conservation in Victoria - Special Reference to the Otway Region. doc0285
A History of Forestry in Australia. doc0005
As If For A Thousand Years. doc0012
Forestry in Victoria 1914. doc0056
Forestry in Victoria 1926. doc0053
Forestry in Victoria 1972. doc0054
Forestry in Victoria October 1986. doc0055
Forestry in West Gippsland. doc0057
Forests & Forestry 1955. doc0059
Forests and Man. doc0066
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1928. doc0072
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1935. doc0073
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1957. doc0075
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1965. doc0074
History of Land Tenure - Victoria. 1883. doc0205
History of the Use and Abuse of Wooded Lands in Australia. doc0079
Institutional Continuity and Change in Victoria’s Forests and Parks 1900-2010. doc0083
Interstate Conference on Forestry, 1916. doc0085
Let Sanity Prevail - the History of Timber Towns Victoria. doc0089
National Forest Policy Statement. doc0104
Natural Order. A Descriptive Survey of Victoria's Forest Institutions 1900-2010. doc0105
Notes and Suggestions on Forest Conservancy in Victoria (Copy of Original) - Vincent. doc0106
Notes and Suggestions on Forest Conservancy in Victoria (Transcription) - Vincent. doc0107
Passionate Advocates. S Legg. 2012. doc0116
Principal Australian Eucalypts 1924. doc0119
Principal Timber Trees 1925. doc0120
Report on the State Forests of Victoria - Ribbentrop. doc0128
Report to the Eighth Commonwealth Forestry Conference. doc0130
The Dynamic Forest - Moulds 1991. doc0170
Timber Industry Strategy 1986. doc0183
Victoria's Resources, Forestry. doc0191
Victoria's Timber Industry in Transition - 2023. doc0189