The bigger picture on European forestry in Victoria
A Chronology of Forest Use and Conservation in Victoria - Special Reference to the Otway Region. doc0285
A History of Forestry in Australia. doc0005
As If For A Thousand Years. doc0012
Compendium of Forest Research in Victoria 1998. doc0304
FCV Bulletin No. 11
Forestry in Victoria 1914. doc0056
Forestry in Victoria 1926. doc0053
Forestry in Victoria 1972. doc0054
Forestry in Victoria October 1986. doc0055
Forestry in West Gippsland. doc0057
Forests & Forestry 1955. doc0059
Forests and Man. doc0066
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1928. doc0072
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1935. doc0073
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1957. doc0075
Handbook of Forestry in Victoria - 1965. doc0074
History of Land Tenure - Victoria. 1883. doc0205
History of the Use and Abuse of Wooded Lands in Australia. doc0079
Institutional Continuity and Change in Victoria’s Forests and Parks 1900-2010. doc0083
Interstate Conference on Forestry, 1916. doc0085
Let Sanity Prevail - the History of Timber Towns Victoria. doc0089
National Forest Policy Statement. doc0104
Natural Order. A Descriptive Survey of Victoria's Forest Institutions 1900-2010. doc0105
Notes and Suggestions on Forest Conservancy in Victoria (Copy of Original) - Vincent. doc0106
Notes and Suggestions on Forest Conservancy in Victoria (Transcription) - Vincent. doc0107
Passionate Advocates. S Legg. 2012. doc0116
Principal Australian Eucalypts 1924. doc0119
Principal Timber Trees 1925. doc0120
Report on the State Forests of Victoria - Ribbentrop. doc0128
Report to the Eighth Commonwealth Forestry Conference. doc0130
Synopsis of Prescribed Burning in Victoria. doc0305
The Dynamic Forest - Moulds 1991. doc0170
Timber Industry Inquiry - Discussion Paper prepared by CFL. doc0298
Timber Industry Strategy 1986. doc0183
Victoria's Resources, Forestry. doc0191
Victoria's Timber Industry in Transition - 2023. doc0189