Fuel Reduction Burning

At this stage the intent of this article is simply to lead you to some relevant resouces that are available on this site.

"Fuel reduction burning is the use of prescribed fire, usually of low intensity beneath the canopy of eucalypt forest, to remove accumulated litter, plant debris or understorey plants which form the available fuel. Fuel reduction burning has been practiced on a systematic basis by land management agencies in parts of Australia for more than 25 years. The purpose of burning is to reduce hazards in several ways:
  • reduce the total weight of fuels, so as to reduce the intensity of a subsequent wildfire. This should lead to quicker and easier suppression of the fire with a saving of resources.
  • reduce the height of understorey vegetation and hence the flame height and rate of spread of a wildfire.
  • remove firebrand material, principally fibrous or flaky bark from the trees, so as to reduce the potential of wildfires to generate spot fires ahead of the main fire front. The reduction of spotting potential can reduce overall rates of spread and make fire suppression easier and safer."
Source: CSIRO National Bushfire Research Unit 1987 - from Fire Research Report 41 (link below).

In 1999 NRE published "Synopsis of the Knowledge Used in Prescribed Burning in Victoria". It was prepared by Kevin Tolhurst and Phil Cheney, and it provides an excellent introduction to fire behaviour in the rural landscape as well as those factors involved with the use of prescribed fire. Perhaps read it first then move on to the references below.

Fire Management in Eucalypt Forests - A Hodgson 1967

Fighting Fire with Fire - 1983 Symposium Papers

Fire Research Report 25 - FCV 1985

Fire Research Report 41 - CNR 1993

Protecting Forests with Fire - FCV Leaflet ca 1970s

Prescribed Burning on Public Land in Victoria - R Incoll 1992

Fire Protection & Fuel Reduction Burning - Report to Minister for Forests, 1982

Control Burning in Eucalypt Forests. AG McArthur 1962

There are also some photos of aerial ignition operations for fuel reduction burning in the Fire Operations Gallery,
and an article about research on the ecological effects of fuel reduction burning in the Wombat Forest.



Traditional drip torch in use for fuel reduction burning
Abt 2015
Source: W Worrell


Aerial ignition from helicopter in North East Victoria
Abt 2003
Photo: J Scott
Source: B Marsden